冰碛石 Valley maintains more than 30 transfer agreements. The college is proud to partner with four-year colleges and universities to ensure a seamless transfer experience for its students who desire to earn a bachelor's degree. The college's various articulation agreements, 如下所列, are designed to take any guesswork out of the transfer process, which saves students both time and money. Some programs may have additional application and admittance requirements. 请联络 学术顾问 了解更多信息.

Current 转让协议

The Chicago School of Professional 心理学文科副学士 or 理学副学士B.S. 心理学Degree Completion ProgramSummary
芝加哥州立大学Fitness Trainer CertificateB.S. 娱乐一般Summary
芝加哥州立大学娱乐 Management AASB.S. 娱乐2+2Summary
芝加哥州立大学娱乐疗法B.S. 娱乐2+2Summary
芝加哥哥伦比亚大学文科副学士, 理学副学士, 美术副学士, Associate in 一般 Studies, Associate of Applied Science, 一些证书大多数学士学位保证录取转移 Admission GuaranteedSummary
德保罗大学文科副学士 or 理学副学士大多数学士学位双录取DAPPSummary
德保罗大学 国际学生 Partnership文科副学士 or 理学副学士大多数学士学位双录取DAPPSummary
打折活动大学文科副学士, 理学副学士, 美术副学士, Associate of Applied Science大多数学士学位保证录取; 双录取Summary
Governors State University文科副学士 or 理学副学士, or A.A.S. in Automotive Tech, Business Mgmt, Mechanical Design & 起草, 机电一体化, 刑事司法, Electronic/电脑 Controls, 消防科学技术, 局域网技术人员, 护理3 + 1, 办公系统 & Applications, 娱乐 Mgmt, Restaurant & 酒店管理)任何学士学位双录取DDPSummary
Governors State UniversityA.A.S. in Health Information 技术, IT安全专员, 电脑/Local Area Network, 呼吸治疗, Radiologic 技术 or Early Childhood Education健康信息学学士, BS Information 技术, 社区健康的BHS, or BS in Early Childhood Education 转移促进GSU 转移BOOSTSummary
Indiana University Northwest护理原子吸收光谱法B.S. 护理(BSN)RN转BSNSummary
林肯大学文科副学士 or 理学副学士B.A. 剧院一般Summary
罗耀拉大学护理原子吸收光谱法B.S. 护理(BSN)RN转BSNSummary
中西部大学文科副学士, 理学副学士 or Associate of 一般 StudiesPharmDPre-Pharmacy Advantage Program(PPA)Summary
Northern Illinois University文科副学士, 理学副学士, Associate of 一般 Studies, and Associate of Applied Science DegreesAny Bachelor’s degree program反向传输
西北大学Associate of Applied Science Degrees in 工商管理, 市场营销与管理, or Human Resources ManagementB.S. 工商管理
Olivet Nazarene University护理原子吸收光谱法B.S. 护理(BSN)RN转BSNSummary
Purdue University Northwest护理原子吸收光谱法B.S. 护理(BSN)RN转BSNSummary
罗斯福大学文科副学士, 理学副学士, and some 美术副学士 and Associate of Applied Science degrees大多数学士学位双录取, Honors/PTK, and Pharm DDDPSummary
圣泽维尔大学所有副学士学位大多数学士学位保证录取Guanteed Admission ProgramSummary
Southern Illinois University at Carbondale任何原子吸收光谱法Any Bachelor’s degree programDegree Completion Program顶点程序Summary
Southern Illinois University at CarbondaleA.A.S. 在会计, 工商管理, 刑事司法, Health Information 技术, Radiologic 技术 or an Associate of Arts degree会计学学士, 工商管理, 刑事司法, Health Information 技术, 心理学, or Radiologic 技术转移促进Saluki向前一步Summary
Trinity Christian College文科副学士 or 理学副学士Any Bachelor’s degree program双录取差距Summary
University of Illinois at Chicago文科副学士 or 理学副学士Participating UIC Bachelor’s Degree 项目保证录取标签Summary
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign理学副学士B.S. 工程保证录取工程路径Summary
University of Maryland Global Campus所有副学士学位Any Bachelor’s degree program双录取/Dual Enrollmentout of state alliance agreementSummary
St大学. 弗朗西斯Radiologic Technician or 呼吸治疗 AASAny Bachelor’s degree program2+2Summary
St大学. 弗朗西斯护理原子吸收光谱法B.S. 护理(BSN)RN转BSNSummary
Western Governors University电脑 & Local Area Network Technician AAS; IT安全专员 AASB.S. Information 技术 degrees2+2Summary
Western Illinois University文科副学士B.A. 剧院2+2Summary
vooorhees大学文科副学士B.A. 剧院2+2Summary

Want to ensure a smooth transfer to your four-year school?

Students who know their intended transfer institution are advised to meet with an 学术顾问 to create a detailed education plan that will make the transfer process simple and easy. 另外,请参考 Illinois Articulation Initiative for assistance in transferring between Illinois higher education institutions.